OSF high-intensity training theory
"Why do you train so many sets?" "Oh! I have always trained like this." This is the basic requirement of bodybuilding. "Bodybuilding stars all train like this." There are many answers. Do you agree?
Anyway, I don’t agree. I don't think anyone is satisfied with their progress. In this short article, I will introduce you to a more effective training method that can quickly increase muscle mass.
For five years?, in order to find such a method, I greedily collected bodybuilding books and periodicals, carefully studied the training plans of bodybuilding stars and imitated them. The results were not satisfactory, and I made little or no progress.
Later, I asked Mike Menzel for advice and began a truly efficient bodybuilding training. (?: Mike Menzel is an older generation bodybuilding star as famous as Schwarzenegger, Tom Pratts and others. After his retirement, he devoted himself to promoting his unique bodybuilding training theory and had a profound influence on bodybuilding. Revolutionary influence, his article "Fast Development of Muscles" caused a huge sensation in the bodybuilding world. Even Dorian Natz said: Without Mike Menzel's training theory, I would not be where I am today. )< /p>
I remember that I was deeply shocked after reading his "How to Build Muscle Rapidly". I immediately ordered all of his training materials and tapes and called him to express my admiration. After more than two years of keeping in touch by phone, I was finally able to train under his personal guidance. This made me a true believer in high-intensity training, and I won the ANB Heavyweight Bodybuilding Championship.
It sounds a bit like fantasy, but high-intensity training with one set of each movement to failure (OSF training method) is indeed the secret weapon that made me a champion.
The word intensity is used to describe training effort. Take the bell curl as an example. If you have the ability to do 10 reps with 100 pounds, but you only do 10 reps in each training session, your muscles will not be able to further develop their potential. In order to grow muscle, you have to go beyond your limit, like doing 11 or 12 reps. This high-intensity stimulation is necessary for muscle growth.
However, what we often see in the gym is this: many people do 4 sets of curls with a predetermined number of reps - maybe 12 reps - and use the same weight in the 4 sets. . Do the same number of times. What they do is just useless labor below the limit of their muscles.
To ensure high intensity training, pay special attention to the last rep of each set. That last push of all your strength is what flips the switch on the muscle growth mechanism. Once you reach complete failure, there is no need to add another extra set. This is not only unnecessary, but also very dangerous, otherwise you will be waiting for annoying overtraining.
Menzel often reminds me that training is a negative because the only thing you can do in the gym is actually damage the muscles, and each additional set increases the damage.
Many people don’t seem to believe that muscles will grow after leaving the gym, because they have to go to the gym almost every day to “recharge.” I suggest these people stop training completely for a while to see if the results are as terrible as they imagined. . I promise, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised to find you're stronger than you were before. At least, the result won't be a return to the levels you imagined 23 months ago. Remember: muscles grow while you are resting. Don't disturb them while they are still growing.
Menzel pointed out that bodybuilding training is not endurance training, and it is not the time you spend in the gym that indicates the training effort. High intensity is the secret to bodybuilding training. Short, low-frequency and high-intensity training are key factors in promoting rapid muscle growth.
By training at a higher intensity and doing just one set of any given movement with all your strength, your training will be shortened to 20 to 30 minutes each time, only 2 to 3 hours each time, and the muscles The growth rate will reach unprecedented levels.
Now tell me, will you do the second set?
Attachment: Mike Menzel answers readers’ questions
Question: I have read your articles and teaching materials, and I know you advocate low-set training, but why? Do those bodybuilders in the Internet do many sets? If you say that high-set training is not good, then Why do they all look like Big Macs?
Answer: Do you know how many professional bodybuilders there are in the world? There are only more than 100. Compared to the number of bodybuilders in the world, this is an insignificant number.
These professional athletes have genetic advantages and strong recovery abilities that ordinary people do not have, allowing them to use the same methods that ordinary people do.Overtraining volume and making progress easier.
If there were no differences in genetics and recovery ability, I think there would be thousands of professional bodybuilders in the world. Everyone who trains like them will become as strong as them.
In addition to the advantages of genetics and recovery ability, under the temptation of huge competition prizes, many professional bodybuilders also use some illegal drugs, such as steroids, to promote muscle growth. Newspapers and magazines revealed that athletes tested positive for drugs. What's so strange.
If you don’t believe what I said above, spend a few months training like your favorite celebrity, doing the same exercises, the same sets and reps, and eating like them. I bet you'll be overtrained and exhausted. Your enthusiasm for training will quickly diminish and your weight will plummet.
Not only do ordinary people not have good genetic advantages, but most of them have to work and study, and have families and careers, which makes it impossible for them to eat and rest all day long like professional athletes. for better recovery.
This is why I advocate low-set, high-intensity training for most bodybuilders. Practice has proven: This is a very effective training method for everyone. It has made me a bodybuilding champion, and it has also enabled many young athletes to realize their dreams of becoming champions. Even Dorian Yates, the current Mr. Olympia, said: This is the training method that has brought me the greatest progress. It can produce professional people. Amazing effect.