The biggest progress and real core of the Titan training system is the introduction of muscle rounds. The simplest way to explain it is this: pick a weight that you can usually do 8-10 times. For any given exercise, perform 4 reps, rest 10 seconds?, then repeat the round or cycle of 4 reps + 10 seconds rest. Continue this cycle without pausing until you have completed 4 to 6 rounds (4 reps + 10 seconds of rest + 4 to 6 rounds, etc.). This is Muscle Round Training, and it breaks the limits of regular sets and reps in a very simple format. This unique combination of reps and rest periods allows both intensity (weight) and volume (reps) to be combined into any one movement.
In the past, common methods and theories held that if you increase training intensity, you must decrease training volume accordingly. This has always been a limiting factor in strength training—volume and intensity have always existed as two mutually exclusive elements. Over the past 30 years, many attempts have been made to break this training impasse. Initially, the East Germans proposed a periodic training method, alternating between small and heavy weights on a monthly basis. The next big advance was made by the Bulgarians, who refined the mini-training method. They combine high-volume and high-intensity training into a weekly program and have proven the effectiveness of this approach through the amazing performances of their Olympic weightlifters. This ultra-efficient bodybuilding approach was the inspiration for OTS's first two training programs, Serious Growth and Big Beyond Belief.
As we said before, the new and revolutionary thing that muscle rounds bring is the ability to train with high volume and intensity in the same training movement. This breakthrough allows you to perform lifts (for a specific period of time) with a weight that is usually uncontrollable with traditional training methods.
Pass in every twoBy adding a 10-second recovery period between 4 muscle rounds, your training load (weight × reps = load) will be greatly increased. You'll be able to do more reps with heavier weights in a given period of time. Those crucial 10 seconds between sets of lifts can actually provide rapid physiological recovery. During this "mini-recovery period," the nervous system will recover, lactic acid will be eliminated, and the muscles will be filled with fresh blood. Even if the rest period is short, you will get enough local recovery to be able to continue training without premature failure. Muscle rounds maintain the correct balance between muscle stress and recovery, increasing training load while reducing the risk of overtraining.
Now we can abandon the traditional set and rep composition and replace it with a more clever, versatile and effective method to truly get the muscle growth you have always wanted.